Speed Awareness – Refresher

Speed Awareness – Refresher

ETD’s online Speed Awareness Course and refresher training will show you how to reduce your chances of involvement in a road incident. 

If you took the online Speed Awareness Course within three years, it’s time to revise your memory of speed limits, stopping distances and following distances. It’s easy to forget the stats, but driving is unpredictable – and refresher training can give you the recap you need to stay safe on the road. 

Drivers who speed are almost twice as likely to have been involved in a road collision – and fatalities run high in these accidents. A pedestrian hit at 30 mph has a one in five chance of being killed. A pedestrian hit at 35 mph has a one in three chance of being killed. 

Inappropriate speed contributes to approximately 14% of all injury collisions, 15% of collisions resulting in a serious injury and 24% of collisions resulting in death recorded by the police. We can get these numbers down with the right training.

Speed-related Crashes

  • Loss of control
  • Speeding on rural roads
  • Aggressive driving
  • Careless or reckless driving
  • Stolen vehicles

Being Aware of Your Speed and Understanding Speed Limits

  • Knowing how far you travel per second at each speed
  • Speed limit variations depending on vehicle type
  • Speed limits on different road types
  • National speed limits

Factors Influencing Your Stopping Distance

  • Mobile phones
  • Weather conditions
  • Road surfaces
  • Putting stopping distances into perspective

Test & Certification

If something unexpected happens on the road ahead, it’s your speed that will determine whether you can stop in time. If you can’t stop in time, it’s also your speed that will determine the impact speed and the outcome of the incident.

At the end of the online speed awareness training, you will be given a 20-question, multiple-choice test. The required pass rate is 85%. You will be able to download and print a digital certificate on completion of the course. A course certificate is 12 months for this annual refresher.


The course will take approximately 18 minutes to complete, excluding the final exam. 
